Ann B. Davis Net Worth (Updated 2024).

Ann B. Davis, born on May 3, 1926, in Schenectady, New York, began her acting career in the 1950s after studying at the University of Michigan. She quickly gained recognition for her comedic talent and charm, landing roles in various television shows and commercials. However, it was her portrayal of the lovable housekeeper Alice Nelson on the hit sitcom “The Brady Bunch” that truly catapulted her to fame. The show, which aired from 1969 to 1974, became a cultural phenomenon and solidified Davis as a beloved television icon.

Davis’s portrayal of Alice Nelson on “The Brady Bunch” earned her two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Her character’s witty one-liners and endearing personality resonated with audiences of all ages, making her a household name. Davis’s career continued to flourish after the show ended, with appearances in various television movies and guest roles on popular sitcoms. Throughout her career, Davis remained humble and grateful for the opportunities she had in the entertainment industry, endearing her to fans and colleagues alike.

Ann B. Davis’s Current Net Worth

As of the latest available information, Ann B. Davis’s current net worth is estimated to be around $2 million.


Ann B. Davis is best known for her role as Alice on the beloved television sitcom “The Brady Bunch.” She won two Emmy Awards for her performance and became a household name in the 1970s.

Other Ventures

Aside from her acting career, Ann B. Davis also had a successful voice acting career, lending her voice to various animated shows and movies. She also wrote a cookbook based on her experiences as a professional chef.


Ann B. Davis owned multiple properties throughout her life, including a home in Los Angeles where she lived for many years. She was known for her simple and humble lifestyle despite her success in Hollywood.

Annual Income

At the peak of her career, Ann B. Davis was earning a substantial annual income from her work in television, film, and endorsements. She was able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle and save for her future.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ann B. Davis

1. What is Ann B. Davis’ net worth?

Ann B. Davis had an estimated net worth of $600,000 at the time of her passing in 2014.

2. How did Ann B. Davis accumulate her wealth?

Ann B. Davis accumulated her wealth primarily through her successful acting career, particularly her iconic role as Alice Nelson on the television show “The Brady Bunch.”

3. Did Ann B. Davis have any other major sources of income besides acting?

While acting was her main source of income, Ann B. Davis also earned money through endorsements, appearances, and voice work throughout her career.

4. Did Ann B. Davis have any notable investments or business ventures?

There is no public information available about any notable investments or business ventures made by Ann B. Davis during her lifetime.

5. How did Ann B. Davis’ net worth compare to other actors from her era?

Ann B. Davis’ net worth was considered modest compared to some of her contemporaries, but was still a respectable sum for a successful character actor in the television industry.

6. Did Ann B. Davis’ net worth change significantly over the course of her career?

Ann B. Davis’ net worth remained relatively stable throughout her career, with her earnings from “The Brady Bunch” providing a consistent source of income for many years.

7. Were there any financial challenges or controversies related to Ann B. Davis’ estate after her passing?

There were no known financial challenges or controversies related to Ann B. Davis’ estate after her passing, as she had made appropriate provisions for her assets and beneficiaries.

8. How did Ann B. Davis’ net worth impact her personal life?

Ann B. Davis lived a modest and private lifestyle, and her net worth did not appear to drastically impact her personal life or choices. She was known to be frugal and humble despite her success in the entertainment industry.

9. Did Ann B. Davis leave behind a charitable legacy or foundation?

Ann B. Davis did not establish a charitable foundation or legacy during her lifetime, but she was known to support various philanthropic causes throughout her career.

10. How is Ann B. Davis’ net worth remembered or celebrated today?

Ann B. Davis’ net worth is remembered as a testament to her successful acting career and the lasting impact of her iconic role as Alice Nelson on “The Brady Bunch.” Fans continue to celebrate her talent and contributions to the entertainment industry.


  • Jenny Evans

    Hey there, I'm Jenny Evans, with a background in literature and creative writing, I craft narratives that transport readers to faraway lands, immerse them in gripping plot twists, and tug at their heartstrings with every turn of the page. When I'm not lost in the world of my imagination, you'll find me enjoying long walks in nature, cozying up with a good book, or indulging in my passion for photography.

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